You might be uncertain about what to expect while living on the road. What should you do to make the most of adapting to life as a new driver? Here is a list of truck driver tips that should make it easier.
Never Turn Down A Load
If you are a company driver, refusing to take on loads is a sure way to create the impression of someone with little enthusiasm or ambition. Take on all the work you can at first. This will help with the learning process and show your company that you’re a driver they can count on.
Be Punctual
Being prompt and on schedule will make the right impression on your company. If you focus on being early rather than worry about being late, you can call ahead to make early pickups and drops, and maybe get another load added to your paycheck.
Think Safety
Always get out and take a look before backing up your truck, especially in poor visibility. Even your boss would prefer you to be a couple minutes late rather than backing into a client’s Porsche. Also, don’t forget your Safety Department is there to help you.
Get to Know Your Company
Learn to navigate the different divisions within your company. This can make it easier to change divisions and find better opportunities rather than changing jobs. Stick with a company that’s interested in your development. Here at ABCO, we offer our drivers additional career opportunities within the logistics and transportation industry at one of our partner companies.
Strive for Excellence
If you do an excellent job, you’ll get excellent feedback and improve your opportunities. Extra effort can make life easier in the end, rather than harder. Dispatchers and managers will be willing to go out of their way to help the driver that’s always doing his or her best for them.
Get to Know Your Dispatcher
Your dispatchers are your keys to more and better loads. Making friends is one of the important tips. Always be respectful of them and try to get to know them on a personal level. It can make a big difference in your working relationship.
Diet and Exercise
According to one study, 88 percent of long-haul drivers were at risk of heart disease. Keep to a sensible diet, such as going easy on the carbs six days a week. Take the time to exercise a little, at least 15 minutes at the start of the day or on your lunch break.
Get the Experience
The fastest way to get ahead is to focus on your driving career from day one. Over the road trucking can be the key. If you’ve got the training, look for a company that will give you the experience. If you aren’t driving, your career isn’t moving.
At ABCO Transportation we are specialists in refrigerated trucking services – shipping temperature-sensitive freight. Our fleet of refrigerated trucks is always in need of new drivers. Visit us online to see how working with ABCO can benefit your driving career.